"Identity developed through interaction with others"
This is an image created by Karina Heinhold by adapting multiple different images depicting Looking Glass Theory found online. (original illustrator of the idea unknown)
Dr. Julie A. Horns has a
Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology with specialization in the use of Expressive Therapy and a Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology.
You can create meaning, achievement, health and happiness through identifying obstacles that are blocking you and cultivate strengths that will help you move forward confidently to make your dreams come true.
What we help with?
Decrease Stress
Cope with inattention
Improve motivation
End procrastination
Cope with grief and loss
Adjust to difficult life transitions
Job loss
Coping with an affair
Career change
Children leaving for college
Time management skills
Effective parenting skills
Coping with parenting a difficult child
Adopting a child
Strengthen relationships
Manage change
Strengthen social skills
Improve intimacy and connection with partner
Reduce anxiety and depression
Self growth
Improve self esteem
Create a more balanced life
Improve communication with partner and reduce conflict
Learn to be more assertive
Learn to relax and have fun
Develop overall wellness
Is coaching the right choice for you?
The differences between coaching and therapy
The Potential Perils of Personal Issues in Coaching The Continuing Debate: Therapy or Coaching? What Every Coach MUST Know! Patrick Williams [This article first appeared in the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations, 2003 (2, 2), pp. 21- 30. Posted by permission. Copyright by IJCO.]